Rocket scenery
From workshop to stage -
your scenic experts for over 25 years.

years experience
sqm workshop space
sets brought
to life

Rocket Scenery has built a reputation of crafting high-quality, visually stunning theatre scenery. From our spacious workshops in Nottingham, our talented draughts people, fabricators, carpenters, electricians, and scenic artists work collaboratively to turn ambitious designs into reality, seamlessly balancing aesthetics and technical precision to create unforgettable stage productions.
At the heart of Rocket is a dedication to our craft, every project is approached with enthusiasm, creativity, and meticulous attention to detail. We thrive on collaboration, problem solving, and bringing ambitious designs to life with skill and ingenuity.

CAD Drawing
Our draughtspeople work with designers and production managers to realise designs and resolve staging challenges.

Metal Workshop
With most scenery being made from steel and aluminium, Rocket Scenery have an expansive metalshop to facilitate the construction of quality, robust scenic elements.

Wood Workshop
Whether making traditional flattage, carving sculptural elements or using non-conventional materials, our team of theatre carpenters work with accuracy to realise the designer’s vision.

Equipped with paint frame and dedicated paint areas, our highly skilled scenic artists collaborate with the designers to create beautifully finished work.

Scenic Electrics
Our experienced in-house electrical team work closely with lighting and set designers, continually striving to come up with new and innovative solutions to realise their creative vision.

Touring Goods
Rocket’s service and commitment does not stop when the scenery leaves the workshops. We can supply a range of touring goods to support shows as they travel the world…
Take a peek behind the curtain...